02 October 2010

HOT or NOT: Think Mutual Bank

A man's handshake tells a lot about the person.  Firm = strength, confidence, determination.  Limp = weak, timid, wishy-washy.  Rough = unrefined, simple, honest.  Smooth = sneaky, sophisticated, moisturized.

A building's design tells a lot about the establishment.  It reflects the values of an organization and their resolve and dedication to core principles.  It may meet purely functional and utilitarian needs, or it may try to awe and inspire, or it may attempt to grab attention in the hopes of bringing patrons through the doors.  In any case, many things can be read off the facade of a building and I think it is important to evaluate them.

In Rochester, Think Mutual Bank has been making waves by building new locations all over town as it grows into a premier financial institution.  Their success is not solely due to their mortgage products or interest checking accounts, but because of the emphasis they place on design.  This edition of HOT or NOT is discussing Think Mutual Bank's body of work in Rochester with a focus on three particular locations. 

The verdict is...HOT

Green Meadows

The three banks profiled here are selected for their dissimilar aesthetic but commonality of purpose.  All three vary widely in materiality (metal; stone; terracotta and glass), formal expression (lines and arc; butterfly roof; box and plane), and interior experiences (verticality; structural expression; transparency).  However, as different as each may appear, the importance placed on design is clearly demonstrated.  Think Mutual Bank has decided to construct buildings that are unique, iconic and emblematic of their organization.  Their brand announces triumphantly, "design matters."

West Circle Drive

If you ever had your father advise you that "you never get a second chance to make a first impression," or had your mother straighten your collar before you head out because "when you meet someone, your appearance speaks first," then you understand this tactic by Think.  If you want people to think you are a safe, secure, and professional company, then you need to project those qualities in your brand.  Banks have often been confined to the stereotype of classical architecture because of the connotation of permanence.  But the paradigm has shifted and now banks are about their services and convenience.  Can you name a bank that you have been to in the last 10 years that didn't have a drive-thru?  This freedom allows banks to make a different sort of first impression.

Shoppes on Maine

The HOT design goes well beyond first impressions.  I would recommend walking inside each of these three banks; not because I am advocating you change financial institutions, but because I was not allowed to take photographs of the inside of these banks and their interior spaces are equally as exciting as their exterior.  I cannot think of another exposed timber truss, butterfly roof that I have seen in person, not to mention in Rochester (West Circle Drive location).  All three of these locations feature abundant natural light, intuitive wayfinding, open floor plans and accessible offices.  I imagine it is as functional of a place for staff as it is for customers. 

Clarify of structure, simplicity of function...all around quality design.  Think Mutual Bank is tough to beat when it comes to memorable architecture in Rochester.

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